
Natasha Wescoat - Female Artworker

Art is the heritage of Michigan native, Natasha Wescoat, who comes from a family of artists, including the famous painter Georgia O'Keefe. Her other inspirations have been Gustav Klimt, Takashi Murakami and Tim Burton. Wescoat's childhood, surrounded by geeks and crime fighting was what birthed her obsession for comic books and drawing. That love for the fantastical worlds of superheroes at a young age drew her to become a professional artist.Known for her whimsical landscapes and the popular, award-winning series, "Jeweled Trees". Since 2004, 1000 of Wescoat's original works hang in private and corporate collections worldwide. Now her colorful landscapes feature whimsical creatures and young women in fantasy themes.

Natasha's work has been seen on A&E Channel, NBC News, ABC's Extreme Home Makeover, Lifetime Channel, the Ritz-Carlton gallery in Los Angeles, Leo Laporte's TWiT, Ford, Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy, Barnes & Noble, Borders and Bed Bath & Beyond.

“I’m inspired by the lighter side of life. Through trying times, I’ve found myself coping through art and through creating things that made me happier. Brighter subjects that brought me back to life. Now, through my work I hope to be able to do that for others. I want the viewer to feel the movement, energy, and life coming from the artwork. I want my art to force people to smile again. We all need a little sweetness. A pick-me-up when the world gets too heavy. We can’t be serious all the time. ”— Natasha Wescoat.

>> See Natasha Weascoat art


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